Home arrow Diagnostics arrow AB-ELISA
6.3 Antibody-ELISA PDF Drucken E-Mail


The ELISA measures antigen-antibody binding qualitatively and quantitatively. SNT only tests for neutralizing antibodies, whereas the ELISA also tests for non-neutralizing antibodies. As opposed to SNT the antibody ELISA is less complicated and is therefore used in routine diagnostics. A number of commercially available test kits permit automatisation and supply results within a few hours. In areas where there is a low seroprevalence and vaccination is not permitted (e.g. Sweden), the antibody ELISA detects PI animals within a herd (the higher the antibody count is in a bulk milk sample the greater is the probability that there is a PI animal in the herd).

What is required?

  • purified antigen (to test for or quantify antibodies)
  • standardized solutions (positive or negative controls)
  • sample to be tested
  • micro titre plates
  • rinsing fluid
  • enzyme marked antibodies and enzyme substrate
  • ELISA reader (spectrophotometer) for quantitative measurements